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P1010881 (NFP) My Buddies and Me.....JC!

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Watch our Intro Video Clip here: "My Brother's Keeper"

We all have elderly grandparents or relatives who are often isolated or lonely; Especially during COVID... What they need is the joy of fun interactions and companionship! is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that brings together our elderly senior community with our loving special needs community and their youth mentors!

It's a perfect match; Seniors, Buddies & Mentors!

Your contributions can significantly expand our outreach to isolated
Seniors (elderly community) and Buddies (special needs community).

Pick your favorite promo items below or visit our website to learn more. Please
subscribe as it helps our visibility on Google to increase our outreach efforts.
In return, we will send you occasional heart warming fun videos that are sure to
lighten your day while always respecting unwanted spam.

Please share, repost, tweet and subscribe....Thank you for supporting our efforts! (NFP) | 501(c)(3) | EIN 84-5118380

Campaigns (NFP) | My Buddies and Me...Just Care! Seniors, Buddies, Mentors Working Together!

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