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A Very Mona Christmas

Organized by Carroll County Arts Council
A Very Mona Christmas Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
A Very Mona Christmas Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
A Very Mona Christmas shirt design - zoomed
A Very Mona Christmas Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
A Very Mona Christmas Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
A Very Mona Christmas shirt design - zoomed
Comfort Colors 100% Cotton Long Sleeve Shirt - Screen Printed

Buy our ugly sweater design and support the Arts Council!

All funds raised will go directly to Carroll County Arts Council
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Comfort Colors 100% Cotton Long Sleeve Shirt - Screen Printed, Unisex - Black
Comfort Colors 100% Cotton Long Sleeve Shirt - Screen Printed
Unisex - Black
  • A Very Mona Christmas Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • A Very Mona Christmas Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Carroll County Arts Council

About this campaign

The Carroll County Arts Council held it’s first Ugly Sweater Contest where we looked for artists to submit unique creative, cozy, and fun designs! We received many creative and talented designs, which made it hard to chose just one design to be printed.

All proceeds raised from the fundraiser will go to the Arts Council so that they can continue to put their mission statement into practice.

The Carroll County Arts Council’s mission is to enrich our community, both culturally and economically, by presenting, promoting and supporting a wide variety of arts opportunities for our residents, visitors, and artists.

The Carroll County Arts Council was formed in 1969 by a group of volunteers who wanted to make the arts part of the everyday fabric of Carroll County life. In the 1980’s they hired a professional director and gradually played a larger role in the life of this community. About that time the Arts Council also became formally affiliated with Carroll County as one of the officially recognized Recreation Councils. While no longer a Recreation Council, the CCAC maintains an active partnership with the County through the Office of Tourism and the Recreation and Parks Department. The Arts Council is a private 501© 3 non-profit corporation which enables us to raise additional private funds to augment our public support.

The creation of the Carroll Arts Center was the result of a partnership between the City of Westminster, Carroll County Recreation & Parks Department and the Arts Council. Together we purchased and renovated the 1937 movie theatre on Main Street. It’s one of only two art deco structures in this county…the other being East Middle School. The original 850-seat Carroll Theatre opened on Thanksgiving Day in 1937 and was “the” place to go. The renovated facility opened in April of 2003 with a 263-seat theatre as well as space devoted to galleries, classrooms, and visitor amenities. The building is now owned by the City of Westminster and leased to the Arts Council for $1 per year.

Today, the Carroll Arts Center acts as a performing arts space, a visual art gallery, and a cultural hub for creatives in Carroll County and beyond.


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