MSU Leader Dog Club Merch Fundraiser
Organized by Olivia Smith

Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt
- Sizes S - XXXXXL
- View Sizing Guide
About this campaign
Help support MSU Leader Dog Club and puppy raisers on campus! MSULDC helps provide necessary items to puppy raisers on campus to raise and train puppies from Leader Dogs for the Blind. This fundraiser will run for 3 weeks, if you do not want to purchase a shirt you can also donate through this link! Thank you for your support!
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I am a club member and I love this club
This club means a lot to my daughter and these pups go on to enhance the lives of those in need.
My daughter Olivia is a member of leader dog club and was a puppy raiser! Love you Liv and June
MSU and puppies? Sign me up! Go Green!
Love all the MSU students and their big hearts! GO GREEN! GO WHITE! GO PUPPIES!