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SAFE COALITION NC T-Shirts Available

Organized by Robert Dawkins
SAFE COALITION NC T-Shirts Available Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
SAFE COALITION NC T-Shirts Available Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
SAFE COALITION NC T-Shirts Available shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Buy a T-Shirt and Support Police Accountability

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Robert Dawkins, the organizer for Copies & Supplies.
$200 raised
52 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Black
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Black
Organized by Robert Dawkins

About this campaign

SAFE COALITION NC is asking supporters to buy a T-Shirt to help promote our organization. We are working to brand our organization and your purchase will provide us with increased visibility and will let people know that SAFE Coalition NC is a force for change.

This is a small fundraiser and willonlymake SAFE Coalition a $200 profit but we need your help to brand our organization and promote our mission of promoting police accountability through dialogue, legislation and community involvement. We have to reach our goal of 50 T-shirts for our order to be filled and shipped. Please visit our website Thank you for your support


Anonymous 1 item
Roxane 1 item
SAFE Coalition 26 items
Miriam Thimpson 1 item

Working in coalition we can assure a just system of community centered policing

S. Kent 1 item
Bridgette Burge 1 item
Tom e bowers 1 item

Fairness for all

Mary Klenz 1 item

Robert is a persuasive advocate for such a good cause.

Ernest NC Senior Democrat's 1 item
Dr. Robbie Akhere 1 item

Robert has engineered an excellent organization focused on police and community safery.


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