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Transport Love Home!

Organized by Pope Memorial Humane Society - Cocheco Valley
Transport Love Home! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Transport Love Home! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Transport Love Home! shirt design - zoomed
Transport Love Home! shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic Long Sleeve T-shirt

Buy a shirt today and help PMHS-CV!

All funds raised will go directly to Pope Memorial Humane Society - Cocheco Valley
$180 raised
15 items sold of
100 goal
7 Days To Go
Hanes Authentic Long Sleeve T-shirt, Unisex - Black
Hanes Authentic Long Sleeve T-shirt
Unisex - Black

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Organized by Pope Memorial Humane Society - Cocheco Valley

About this campaign

Transport Love Home This Valentine’s Day! Now more than ever, Southern shelters need our help. PMHS-CV is dedicated to saving lives by assisting with animal transports whenever space allows. Thanks to our full-time Training and Behavior Manager, we can provide the care and support needed for longer-stay animals—giving them a chance when time has run out elsewhere.

By supporting our Valentine’s Day fundraiser, you’re helping us:
- Rescue animals in emergency situations
- Provide essential medical care, vaccinations, and behavioral support
- Prepare them for their new lives and loving families Your contribution makes a life-changing difference.

Join us in bringing love home this Valentine’s Day!

PMHS-CV is a community-funded, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to promoting the humane treatment of animals in Strafford County, NH and Southern Maine. We are a safe, temporary home for more than 1,000 surrendered, lost, abused, neglected, or unwanted animals each year.

We fulfill our mission by placing animals into caring, forever homes, promoting the practice of spaying and neutering, assisting with cruelty investigations and rescue, raising awareness within the community about animal welfare, encouraging volunteer involvement and support, being an active voice and advocate for the safety, health, and well-being of animals, and serving as a comprehensive resource center for the community.

Learn more here!



Anonymous 1 item
Jenn Gibbs 1 item
Laura Fredrickson 1 item

For my sweet babies at the shelter !!

Anonymous 2 items

We love animals.

Anonymous 1 item + $25

Love of animals

Janet Romanchyk 2 items + $100

Giving these dogs a second chance at finding a forever home is priceless.

Anonymous 1 item + $10

I just love the pups!!

Molly Shanahan 2 items
Donna Ouellette 1 item + $25

I adopted my handsome Huckleberry from here. All the dogs I have ever adopted were from rescues. I appreciate all the people involved in rescuing all the animals. Thank you

Elaine Zubkus 1 item + $8

Pope does an amazing job finding these beautiful dogs good homes. They cant do it without financial support


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