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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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16 oz. Carysbrook Drop A Pebble Stainless Steel Pint Cup

Organized by Camp Carysbrook Alumnae
16 oz. Carysbrook Drop A Pebble Stainless Steel Pint Cup Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
16 oz. Carysbrook Drop A Pebble Stainless Steel Pint Cup Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
16 oz. Carysbrook Drop A Pebble Stainless Steel Pint Cup shirt design - zoomed
16 oz. Carysbrook Drop A Pebble Stainless Steel Pint Cup shirt design - zoomed
16 oz. Stainless Steel Pint Cup
  • Sizes One Size

CCAA 2020 Holiday Fundraiser

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Camp Carysbrook for CCAA 2020 Scholarship Fund.
$300 raised
48 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
16 oz. Stainless Steel Pint Cup, Unisex - Silver
16 oz. Stainless Steel Pint Cup
Unisex - Silver
Organized by Camp Carysbrook Alumnae

About this campaign

Don’t forget to tell us which team you are on! You can do this via the “please share why you’re supporting this campaign” section on the “buy” page!


Colleen Hagan Egl 13 items
Jean Schlichter 6 items

Camp Carysbrook is by far the premier resource for girls to grow and thrive in a hidden setting of unrivaled natural beauty. Its nearly 100 year history is a testament to the strong, competent women alumni who carry on its legacy.

Anonymous 2 items

Green and Purple

Candia Renee Faison 2 items
Jamye Brown 1 item

Go Green!

Jessie Adkins 1 item


Margaret Fanney 3 items

I was Peggy Preston, at camp with Aunt Caperton and Aunt Kat, on the Brown Team, Captain two years, and Junior Counselor. My daughter: Brown, my granddaughter: Brown and CIT to be - Emilie Jackson.

TERESA 'Gibby' GIBBONS 2 items

PURPLE! And I bought two jackets also but forgot to add to purple team!

Catherine 2 items
Megan Burton 3 items


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