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Storm Up the Spirit: Water Bottles for Our Mascot!

Organized by P.S. 193 Storm
Storm Up the Spirit: Water Bottles for Our Mascot! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Storm Up the Spirit: Water Bottles for Our Mascot! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Storm Up the Spirit: Water Bottles for Our Mascot! shirt design - zoomed
24 oz. Translucent Bike Water Bottle
  • Sizes One Size

Help Us Bring Our School Mascot to Life – One Water Bottle at a Time!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to P.S. 193Q Alfred J. Kennedy for bringing our Storm mascot to life!.
$600 raised
57 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
24 oz. Translucent Bike Water Bottle, Unisex - Translucent Blue
24 oz. Translucent Bike Water Bottle
Unisex - Translucent Blue
Organized by P.S. 193 Storm

About this campaign

What: The P.S. 193 Student Council is raising funds for our very own school mascot! We’re selling reusable water bottles featuring the official Storm logo, and they’re perfect for both school and sporting events. These water bottles are not only great for school spirit, but they also help us take care of our planet!
How: The water bottles are blue, durable, and teacher-preferred - perfect for everyday use. All proceeds will go toward funding the creation and debut of our very own mascot, which will attend games, spirit days, and special events to boost school pride!
Price: Each water bottle is $15 – a small price for a big boost in school spirit!
Why: A physical mascot will help bring unity and excitement to our sports teams and events, and it will be a symbol of our collective school pride. At the same time, we’re using this fundraiser as an opportunity to promote sustainability by reducing single-use plastic bottles. The funds raised will help create the mascot and also contribute to making our school more environmentally friendly!
Special Event: As part of our commitment to sustainability, we've partnered with the Sustainability Team for Water Climate Action Day! On this day, we are encouraging every student and staff member to bring their own reusable water bottle to school to reduce waste and support our planet. It's a great way to take action and show that we care about our environment.


Thomas King 1 item

My son goes to PS193Q. His name is Jen Wei Yuan (aka Anderson). Grade 5, class 302.

Ifiyenia Livaditis 1 item


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