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2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project

Organized by Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation
2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project shirt design - zoomed
2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project shirt design - zoomed
2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
A4 Promotional Performance Shirt

Help Us Kick Start "Cure Kids' Cancer Now!" and fund Emmi's 4th birthday gift to send kids with cancer home for Christmas

All funds raised will go directly to Emmi Graces Angels Inc
$2,180 raised
30 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
A4 Promotional Performance Shirt, Unisex - Graphite
A4 Promotional Performance Shirt
Unisex - Graphite
  • 2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • 2019 Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation Launch & Emmi Grace's 4th Birthday Project Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Cure Kids' Cancer Now! Foundation

About this campaign

Emmi Grace’s Angels Foundation has changed its name to Cure Kids’ Cancer Now! Foundation. Our mission is the same: bring awareness, support families, fund research. We are working together to fight back against kids’ cancer! No child should have to fight to survive!

The proceeds from this t-shirt drive will go towards the “Emmi Grace Project” sending kids with cancer HOME for the HOLIDAYS!

Did you know that some kids with cancer are ready to be discharged from the hospital but have to stay because insurance isn’t covering their necessary medical supplies? Simple things like antibiotics?!?! Or that some pediatric cancer patients don’t have coverage so have to stay in patient when it’s not medically necessary??

For Emmi’s 4th Birthday, we are continuing our tradition of sending kids with cancer HOME for the HOLIDAYS! It costs about $1500 to get the medical supplies needed for a childhood cancer patient to go home for a few days.

So this year, please consider helping us get these kiddos home for the holidays in honor of Emmi’s 4th Birthday!

When our Emmi Grace was diagnosed, we had no idea what kind of support we would need. As it turned out, we needed more than we could have ever imagined. We were overwhelmed with wonderful support from friends and family. Not all receive such support. In honor of our Emmi Grace, we would like to be there for families that are still fighting. We need your help to do so as we get ready for the holidays!

Please consider purchasing a shirt (to help us) and wearing it (to help bring awareness). Thank you for your support!.

Emmi Grace’s Angels Foundation has changed its name to Cure Kids’ Cancer Now! Foundation. Our mission is the same: bring awareness, support families, fund research. We are working together to fight back against kids’ cancer! No child should have to fight to survive!

Emmi Grace was a beautiful girl born December 2015. In April 2016, she was diagnosed with the horrible beast AT/RT (an exceedingly aggressive and deadly childhood brain cancer). She was TINY BUT TOUGH! She underwent multiple surgeries and received intensive chemotherapy treatments. Despite working with some of the best doctors and nurses in the field, the science failed her. She was born to eternal life on June 10, 2016. Our mission is to honor her by honoring all families fighting this beast and to fund innovative research so that we can CURE KIDS’ CANCER NOW!

The proceeds from this t-shirt drive will go towards the “Emmi Grace Project” sending kids with cancer HOME for the HOLIDAYS!


Claudia Koziner 1 item

I support this campaign for my daughter Isabella. For Emmi Grace, Nolan, Cannon, Megan, Stella, Matthew, Leila, Corey,Danny, Ella, Arianna, Vincent, Holden, Dom, Gracie...the list goes on and on. I support this campaign because I NEED a CURE

Anola Castellvi 2 items
Christen gray 1 item
Cheryl Schonbrun 1 item + $1500
Carol Harvey 2 items

To Honor Emmi Grace Angel.

Tim Zehnder 1 item + $25
Kendra Lyman 1 item + $10
Donna Bevis 1 item + $100


Laura Paredes 1 item + $10
Abbey Ahern 1 item + $100


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