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Angel Paws Waco

Organized by Carl F. Flynn
Angel Paws Waco Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Angel Paws Waco Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Angel Paws Waco shirt design - zoomed
Angel Paws Waco shirt design - zoomed
Gildan 100% Cotton T-shirt

Final Exams are drawing near and Angel Paws will be on hand to bring a moment of comfort during this stressful season. Buy one of these adorable t-shirts and support Angel Paws' ongoing work to bring solace to many in the Waco community.

All funds raised will go directly to ANGEL PAWS INC
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan 100% Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Sky
Gildan 100% Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Sky
Organized by Carl F. Flynn

About this campaign

Therapy animals provide companionship and comfort. Since 2003, Angel Paws Waco volunteers have enriched people in local hospitals, schools, libraries and other outreach programs through quality time spent with their specially trained animals. Donations to Angel Paws support ongoing training and certification efforts, as well as community programs. For more information, visit Angel Paws Waco on Facebook.

For several years, Angel Paws Waco has come to the Baylor Libraries to provide a respite during the classic seasons of collegiate high-stress: midterms, papers, projects and finals. Angel Paws initially contacted the Libraries, compelled by their desire for their volunteers and animals to bring comfort to Baylor students during stressful seasons. Since their first visit to campus, Angel Paws has expanded their reach across campus, visiting not only the Libraries, but the Business School, the Law School and occasionally other areas. We are always glad to host Angel Paws and hope that sales of this adorable t-shirt designed by Baylor graphic design student Kayleigh McKenzie encourages them to continue their great work throughout the Waco community.


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