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Blessed Pen Ink Hug Campaign 2015

Organized by Meochia Thompson
Blessed Pen Ink Hug Campaign 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Blessed Pen Ink Hug Campaign 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Blessed Pen Ink Hug Campaign 2015 shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

We need "Huggers" to help us raise $5000+ to support Caregivers.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Blessed Pen Ink, Corp. for distribution to various Caregiver organizations.
500 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Red
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Red
Organized by Meochia Thompson

About this campaign

To register and purchase your t-shirt in time for the Magnificent Mile of Hugs Event on Saturday, July 18th, 9am-2pm,

visit!hug-campaign-2015/cae3. We are hugging it out in 2015 in hopes of raising $5000+ to support Caregivers. Caregivers around the world are our silent heroes. You rarely see them alone because they are busy taking care of an elderly relative, lonely friend, disabled child or family member or even a loved one suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

So, if you believe in the power of the human touch and you love to hug or you just want to show your support, please get a t-shirt and donate to the cause!

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Join Blessed Pen Ink's HUG Campaign, today! Funds collected from our "I'm a Hugger" t-shirts will help support Caregivers in 2015! On Saturday, July 18, 2015, we are planning to fill Chicago's Magnificent Mile with "Huggers" in an effort to raise the spirits of many people. Our goal is to raise at least $5000 to give to organizations in need. We chose Caregivers this year because we believe they are silent heroes. Not silent because they don't have a voice but because they are busy caring for others who need their undivided attention, instead. These professionals, relatives, and friends put in long hours of work and sacrifice so much of their own lives to make sure other people can live a little more comfortable or at least have companionship and we want to say thank you! So, please support us by getting a t-shirt and hugging somebody today. Hugs feel so good and they don't cost a thing, except maybe a smile. So, if you believe in the power of the human touch and you love to hug or you just want to show your support, join us and/or register for our Magnificent Mile of Hugs on Saturday, July 18th.!hug-campaign-2015/cae3


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