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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

Need shirts for your next group event? Create your own custom t shirts.

Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign

Burning Amp Festival '23 Zenductor T-shirt

Organized by Tom V (BAF'23 Organizer)
Po68253767 front
Burning Amp Festival '23 Zenductor T-shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Burning Amp Festival '23 Zenductor T-shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Burning Amp Festival '23 Zenductor T-shirt shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Perfect-T Crewneck T-shirt

Get your t-shirt shipped to your home, after Burning Amp, around October 25th.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Tom V (BAF'23 Organizer), the organizer for Burning Amp Festival '23.
$1,080 raised
72 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Perfect-T Crewneck T-shirt, Tee - Black
Hanes Perfect-T Crewneck T-shirt
Tee - Black
Organized by Tom V (BAF'23 Organizer)

About this campaign

Burning Amp returns for the 15th time with the Wine Country edition at the beautiful Petaluma Community Center. Two days live + Zoom Sunday. This is the commemorative t-shirt and the place to order if you are not attending in person. If you want a t-shirt to wear at Burning Amp look for information on ordering at or


kenji furukawa 1 item + $10
Anonymous 1 item

DIY Audio was quite inspirational when I built my first “from-scratch” amp, a SET design using 6V6 glass…. Can’t make it this year, but I’d love to bring it to a future meeting (sounds fantastic:).

Anonymous 1 item
William Traver 1 item
David Elliott 1 item

It sounds excellent.

Anonymous 1 item + $10

Would love to attend but can't make it. Get Amp'd!!!

Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 1 item + $10
Anonymous 1 item

I love DIY audio. Cant make it to the event though.


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