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Caring For Creation- Birthday Celebration for Virginia Kiah

Organized by Caring For Creation-Birthday Celebration for Virginia Kiah
Caring For Creation- Birthday Celebration for Virginia Kiah Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Caring For Creation- Birthday Celebration for Virginia Kiah Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Caring For Creation- Birthday Celebration for Virginia Kiah shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Buy a shirt to celebrate the renown Virginia Kiah

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to CFSAADMC for All proceeds go towards the historical marker.
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Ash
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Ash
Organized by Caring For Creation-Birthday Celebration for Virginia Kiah

About this campaign

To bring awareness to the challenges faced by black museums and our cultural history. In this historic neighborhood we strive to add a historic marker. Friends of the Kiah aim to save this historic landmark.


Dashana Lane 0 items + $10
SCHELLEY KIAH 0 items + $70

It’s a worry cause that can only benefit the Black community.

Jacqueline Spears 0 items + $25

I have been working with Dr. D on recognizing the efforts of Virginia Kiah for the past 4 years... I firmly believe in her efforts to bring art to life in young and older alike.


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