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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign

Celebrate Jacobs Camp!

Organized by Henry S. Jacobs Camp
Celebrate Jacobs Camp! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Celebrate Jacobs Camp! shirt design - zoomed
Celebrate Jacobs Camp! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt

Represent Jacobs Camp with pride and support our summer programs!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to the Union for Reform Judaism for the exclusive benefit of Henry S. Jacobs Camp.
$1,470 raised
61 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt, Adult - Sports Grey
Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt
Adult - Sports Grey
  • Celebrate Jacobs Camp! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Celebrate Jacobs Camp! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Henry S. Jacobs Camp

About this campaign

These Limited-Edition rainbow shirts were created for our staff and oldest campers last summer. The shirts were a culmination of some important programming and a celebration of the diversity of our camp family. Shortly after the summer, requests for this shirt came pouring in! We are so excited to make these shirts available for purchase to our camp family and beyond! Shirts will be delivered around March 19th!

The miracle of a Jewish summer camp in the Deep South began way before Jacobs Camp's first summer in 1970. For years prior, lay leaders and parents from across the region worked diligently to raise funds, awareness, and momentum to purchase the land that would one day become Henry S. Jacobs Camp. Our camp, located in the heart of the Deep South, was created by the Southern Jewish community with the idea that "from this camp will come young Jews proud of their faith and heritage, ready to go to college as committed Jewish youth. From this camp will come a new spirit of Jewish identification and a new hope for our futures." Through the years, the Jewish demographics in the Deep South have changed: the small Jewish enclaves have gotten smaller, while the major communities in New Orleans and Memphis continue to grow. Still Jacobs Camp remains steadfast in its goal of building a vibrant Jewish home for all young people of Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and West Florida.

Visit our website to learn more:


Brent Swift 1 item
Jamie Gray Light 1 item
Anonymous 1 item + $10

Camp Jacobs provides a way for Jewish children to be able to identify with other Jewish kids. This is so important when coming from a small town with none/few Jews.

Becci Craig 2 items

Jacobs Canp is our home away from home and ALWAYS our happy place!

Anonymous 1 item
Beth Orlansky 2 items

We love HSJ!

Emily Kupersztoch 0 items
Meagan A Friedman 1 item
Tiffany Goodman Bilbe 1 item

I love what this shirt symbolizes! So proud to call Jacobs Camp Home!

Elliette V 1 item


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