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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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2 Traveling Dogs - Team Digby Masks!

Organized by 2 Traveling Dogs
2 Traveling Dogs - Team Digby Masks! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
2 Traveling Dogs - Team Digby Masks! shirt design - zoomed
Customized Finished Cloth Face Mask
  • Sizes One Size

Thank you for helping us to “Make Rescues The Breed Of Choice”

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to 2 Traveling Dogs , the organizer for RV Expenses.
$280 raised
27 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Customized Finished Cloth Face Mask, Unisex - Black
Customized Finished Cloth Face Mask
Unisex - Black
Organized by 2 Traveling Dogs

About this campaign

Since 2011, we have used our social media channels and blog to raise awareness for not only homeless animals, but for the people who help them. Your support helps us to continue!

We travel full-time with our two rescue dogs, Peanut Butter Brickle and Digby Pancake! It is our mission to "Make Rescues The Breed Of Choice" by showing what a great life you can share when you rescue an animal!


Susan Seymour 1 item

2 Traveling dogs is a positive force in our crazy world! They are helpful, honest, and kind! They have helped so many people and animals! I support their work and appreciate their sharing.

Margaret E Corbin 2 items + $25
Anonymous 1 item + $50


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