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Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser

Organized by Carol Hatcher
Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Help support my mission trip to the Dominican Republic where I'll be a speaker at a women's event

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Carol Hatcher, the organizer for my trip to the Dominican Republic with One Vision International.
$1,600 raised
115 items sold of
75 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
  • Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Dominican Republic Mission Trip T-shirt Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Carol Hatcher

About this campaign

One Vision International is putting on a women's conference in the Dominican Republic. They have asked me to be the main speaker. Your support in sending me will help the women there learn more about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

When I was a little girl and in the G.A.’s missions group at church, we used to pray for missionaries each week. Looking at their pictures scared me to death. I could think of nothing more frightening than leaving my home to go to a foreign land.

The two most haunting thoughts in my young life were that God would ask me to be a nun and go to Africa. I laugh about it now – we all know they don’t let Baptists in the nunnery. LOL. At sixteen, I felt God had a call of some kind on my life.

In my early thirties, God really called me close and began using me to write and speak. The closer I drew to God, the more I wanted to go on a mission trip. Several opportunities presented themselves but fell through at the last minute.

I finally gave up asking. I knew God was calling me to be what I call an Everyday Missionary – ministering to the people right around me at the grocery store, in my neighborhood and at the mall. Needs were everywhere. I poured myself into serving the “least of these.” I helped build food bags for hungry kids. I volunteered at the prison. I showed kindness to the check-out clerks who overcharged.

Last year, God gave me the verse “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) All year, God showed me how HE could do so many things in my life without my pushing to make them happen. It was in His control.

At the very end of the year, I was approached by my cousin Emily Ramsey, who works for One Vision International, to see if I would be willing to speak at a women’s conference in the Dominican Republic.

I knew God was in it, so I’ve said, “Yes!” March 27th – March 31st I will be traveling with a team from One Vision to La Vega in the Dominican. Our goal is to share our hope in Jesus Christ with the women there.

We hope to be transparent with these women and show them that we also have valleys and struggles in our lives and because of the grace of Jesus Christ we can walk though these difficult times with peace and joy.

The trip costs $1,600. I must raise that amount by March 21. If you would be willing to help support my trip with the purchase of a t-shirt, I would be so grateful. While you would not be physically going on the trip, you would be instrumental in helping women come to know the grace of Christ. I would ask that you would also pray for me and the team as we prepare to go.

Thank you for considering supporting me financially and especially for being willing to pray. God has given me a heart for the less fortunate, but I know I will learn more from the people of La Vega than they will from me. It is also my prayer that God, not I, will be exalted through this conference. Pray my heart is open and receptive to hearing these women’s needs, and I will share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with them.


Marlo Mikle 2 items
J Buell 1 item + $50
Libby Bridger 1 item + $10

I have been on four mission trips and could not have done it without the support from others. I like to help others going on mission trips when I can.

Anonymous 1 item

I know Carol's heart is committed to The Lord & I just love her!!

nancy fernandez 1 item

In memory of our beloved friend Shawn Smith, who's dream was to go on a mission trip but was never able to. Rest in Peace Shawn, your mission is being accomplished by Carol Buell Hatcher.

Anonymous 2 items

In Loving Memory or Shawn Smith

Anonymous 1 item + $10
Anonymous 5 items
Kris Robertson 1 item
Jennifer Smith 1 item + $50

So happy for you and your step of Faith.


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