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Alex's Million Mile

A million miles that will change childhood cancer

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Etown Fightin Jays

Organized by Cliff Smith
Etown Fightin Jays Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Etown Fightin Jays Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Etown Fightin Jays shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Beefy-T

Help us fight Pediatric Cancer

Net proceeds will go directly to Alex's Million Mile participant Cliff Smith's (1118151) fundraising efforts.
$1,030 raised
129 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Beefy-T, Unisex - Yellow
Hanes Beefy-T
Unisex - Yellow
Organized by Cliff Smith

About this campaign

The Elizabethtown College Baseball team is participating in the Million Mile Run. Walk. Ride. Challenge for Alex's Lemonade Stand.  Help us support this great cause, and wipe out cancer!

As part of the Million Mile Run. Walk. Ride. Challenge, the Elizabethtown College Baseball team will run all September at our fall practices.  We will keep track of our mileage and hope to raise $1,500 in donations.  Purchasing our team T-Shirts will really help us reach out goal for 2014!


Amira Allen 1 item
Don Kibler 2 items + $10

Cancer really stinks in general,but its harder seeing children battling this disease .

Ryan Shirk 1 item
deBerardinis Family 3 items

to support Fightin' Jay, Nick Gulla

Frank Canuso 1 item + $25
Frank Ragozzino 2 items

Supporting Elizabethtown College baseball team's fundraising efforts.

Sherri Stambaugh 1 item + $10

Jake Weber

Jodi Weber 1 item + $10

Thank you E-Town baseball for supporting a great cause!

Jake Weber 1 item
Jen Radel 1 item


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