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FAA Sweatshirt Fundraiser 2024-2025

Organized by Booster FAA
FAA Sweatshirt Fundraiser 2024-2025 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
FAA Sweatshirt Fundraiser 2024-2025 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
FAA Sweatshirt Fundraiser 2024-2025 shirt design - zoomed
Hanes EcoSmart 50/50 Pullover Hoodie

Support the Franklin Arts Academy by buying a sweatshirt designed by a FAA student!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Franklin Arts Academy Boosters for senior scholarships, field trips, and other enrichment activities..
$110 raised
13 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes EcoSmart 50/50 Pullover Hoodie, Hoodie - Light Steel
Hanes EcoSmart 50/50 Pullover Hoodie
Hoodie - Light Steel
Organized by Booster FAA

About this campaign

One sweatshirt purchase equates to one service credit!


Shauna 1 item
Anonymous 1 item + $10
Janine Halloran 1 item
Kelly St Vrain 1 item

We <3 the FAA!

Nicholas Levins 1 item
Alyssa Alvarado 2 items
Teresa Sheppard for Aiden Sheppard 1 item
Anne Stacy 1 item
Anonymous 1 item

My child survived FHS by being in the FAA.


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