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Help fund a Burundian Orphanage today!

Organized by Children of All Nations
Help fund a Burundian Orphanage today! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Help fund a Burundian Orphanage today! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Help fund a Burundian Orphanage today! shirt design - zoomed
Help fund a Burundian Orphanage today! shirt design - zoomed
Anvil Jersey T-shirt

All proceeds raised will be used to help pay rent for the orphanage.

All funds raised will go directly to Great Wall China Adoption
$1,670 raised
64 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Anvil Jersey T-shirt, Unisex - Charcoal
Anvil Jersey T-shirt
Unisex - Charcoal
Organized by Children of All Nations

About this campaign

One of the orphanages' we work with in Bujumbura, Burundi is in dire need of help for paying rent. Their main donor has left the country and the orphanage is now left with no assistance. We would like to help ensure that the children in this orphanage will continue to have a safe place to live. Visit our blog here to learn more about this cause.


"...Burundi is one of the three poorest countries in the world – let that sink in. I constantly find myself trying to grasp the concept that Burundians on average live off of $2 a day, and yet we don’t even think twice about spending $4 on coffee in the morning.

Any contribution goes such a long way to support their needs, from housing to food to other basic necessities. Our goal is to raise $300 in 30 days, and all proceeds raised will go towards covering rent for the orphanage. By supporting housing for the children, this ensures that the children will have a safe place to live until they find their forever homes."

- Katie, Burundi Adoption Specialist


Kayley Viteo 1 item
Ashley Jensen 2 items + $10

I am looking into adoptions, and this tugged at my heart strings. Any little bit helps, and I'm willing to do that.

Anonymous 1 item + $10

We adopted through GWCA. We support all adoptions.!

Francesca 1 item + $100

my husband and I are adopting a child and have 2 children of our own. We pray and wish to help all children who need financial help and lots of love.

Anonymous 1 item
Suzanne 2 items
Meredith Chambers 1 item

Here to show support to these kiddos!

Stacy Hill 1 item
Anonymous 1 item

Cause I love those little Burundi babies! <3


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