We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed
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Help Support Sunshine Horses, Inc.
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
- Sizes YXS - XXXXL
- View Sizing Guide
About this campaign
Help support Sunshine Horses! Since 2003 we have found homes for over 150 in Central New York. We are also the largest standardbred/predominately standardbred adoption group in New York State. Standardbreds are one of the most amazing breeds of horses. They were bred in America, are the fastest trotting breed and can do anything any other horse can do (And better!). Standardbreds are great as show horses (English and Western), race horses, and trail horses. They have 5 gaits (Most horses have 4, so they're extra special), can jump and are some of the best tempered horses around. We are celebrating their achievements with this shirt!
Caring for an average of 30 horses every year is expensive. Horses can eat at least a bale of hay per day, and one bale costs around $4. Grain can cost around $15 for a bag. Farrier visits cost around $35, dental work around $75.
Monthly care is $200 per horse. With 30 horses that is $6000 per month, or $72,000 a year. And that's just basic care!
Please help support our organization. Buy a shirt! Support the standardbred and Sunshine Horses!
Sunshine Horses Inc. is a positive, caring, and generous non-profit organization, that is very worthy of our donations. Whether it is some spare time and manual effort that we can contribute, or a few extra dollars now and then - every bit helps.
We love animals and want to help.
My husband has standardbred racehorses. We love them dearly. They have given us so much and they deserve a happy life. I didn't realize what was happening to them after they did their job at the racetrack. We need to protect them.
Because Emlyn Clark.
In honor of 4 years with my wonderful Sunshine Horses, Cole and Monty
Always glad to help this great breed, and love to see them pursuing a second career after racing. Have 4 retired Standardbreds myself.