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Bella Bear Represents USA at the World Championships

Organized by Geoffrey Gonzales
Bella Bear Represents USA at the World Championships Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Bella Bear Represents USA at the World Championships Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Bella Bear Represents USA at the World Championships shirt design - zoomed
Bella Bear Represents USA at the World Championships shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Get your Bella Bear Shirt!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Geoffrey Gonzales, the organizer for Isabella Marie's wrestling fund for the 2024 World Championships and beyond..
$1,420 raised
116 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Black
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Black
Organized by Geoffrey Gonzales

About this campaign

Hello All, Produced by popular demand, you may now avail your very own Bella Bear shirt to show support as Isabella Marie Gonzales heads to the U17 World Championships in Amman, Jordan. We’d love to see everyone in their very own Bella Bear shirt! Available NOW, but for a limited time only!!! Funds will go towards Bella’s wrestling needs. Thank you everyone!!! GRRRRR!!!

Bella World teamjpg

Bella the Wrestler is now a World Team member!!! She earned the privilege to represent Team USA internationally in Amman, Jordan on August 2024 at the U17 World Championships. This is an incredible opportunity that she’s been working towards for years, and she can't wait to represent her country on the world stage.

The road to this journey has not been easy. With perseverance, hard work and determination to succeed, many of you have witnessed her rise to become an elite student athlete. The journey is far from over…the U17 World Championships is in fact the inauguration of a plethora of further international representation, including and up to her goal to be an Olympian.

Your support means the world to her, and we can't thank you enough for believing in Isabella and helping her achieve her dream.

Our family truly appreciates all of you who have shown great generosity and support towards Bella’s endeavors. It truly takes a village. Thank you all a million times for all your support, prayers, and well wishes!


Katianna Martinez 2 items
Vanessa Ortega 2 items
Anonymous 1 item

Bella kicks butt… “just win baby”

Heather Santos 2 items

We are so proud of you and all the hard work you put in to every thing you do. Keep killing it!

Nate Ticman 1 item
Kaelani Shufeldt 1 item

LFG Bella!!

Carissa Qureshi 1 item
Ethan jones 1 item
Raymond Ramos 1 item

She’s a great inspiration for younger people She’s a really good wrestler

Rita Bodine-Dei 1 item


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