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Support Jayce

Organized by Victoria Hanson
Front large extended
Support Jayce Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Support Jayce Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Support Jayce shirt design - zoomed
Support Jayce shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Buy a shirt to help support Jayce on his journey. Help us spread awareness of HLHS letting Jayce know he's so amazing.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Victoria Hanson , the organizer for Jayce's family fund.
$1,660 raised
72 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Carolina Blue
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Carolina Blue
Organized by Victoria Hanson

About this campaign

received_2680275608900961jpeg20200812_211339jpgreceived_714673539089757jpegJayce was born with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. He was life flighted to Saint Marys hospital at 24 hours old. At age 3 days he under went his first open heart surgery, the Norwood procedure. Jayce spent the first 27 days in the hospital. At 4 1/2 months old he under went his second open heart surgery, the Glenn procedure. Now at 3 1/2 years old on July 23rd he underwent the Fontan procedure. This surgery took 12 hours, we found immense scar tissue around all his heart. He went on bypass twice the second time to enlarge the arterial septum . We are currently still in the hospital Jayce, has had quite a few complications this round. Free fluid in the belly, pericardial effusion , low o2 stats needing a heart cath, to coil off collaterals, needing to use pacemaker wires to jump his heart back into sinus rhythm. Jayces chest tubes for drainage were FINALLY taken out 8/13/2020. He was having an immense amount of drainage, trying 3 new medications to try to help relieve that. Trying a low fat diet of 15 grams per day and restricting fluid intake. Friday August 14th Jayce was moved to the step down unit. Sunday August 16 th an echocardiogram revealed that there is fluid pooling by his left lung. We have increased our diuretic medication in hopes of improvement. Our cardiac team has another echocardiogram planned Monday morning. If there is no improvement or it is any worse they will be replacing a chest tube for drainage.
The xrays looked much better this morning 8/17/20 we didn't follow through with an echo or chest tube. Jayce will remain impatient in the hospital.
August 19th 2020. Day 28 impatient Jayce got to go home! He came home on 5 different medications, Jayce came home with a wound vac which is a medical device attached onto his incision helping to keep it closed with suction. He must carry this pack around every day and night until his incision is healed and closed. This must be changed here at home every 2 days.
Jayce also has a deep pressure wound on the back of his head from sitting in one spot during surgery. Which requires medical attention as well

Please continue to spread awareness and support him!
Jayce will be having appointments every few days for repeat x rays to be sure of no more fluid accumulation
Here is a bit of Jayces story! Please help spread awareness of CHD and HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART SYNDROME. There is no cure. Their fight is our fight!!


Anonymous 1 item + $10
Anonymous 1 item
Jonathan Sweeney 1 item

always support family.

Louie Nephew 2 items
Casee Sparks 1 item + $20

I'm a proud Auntie!

Chelsey Honsey 1 item

Such a strong little man. You will never be alone. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes always!!

Louie 2 items
Anonymous 1 item
Daniel Gile 2 items

I’m his great uncle

Shannon and Jim $103

Sending prayers for a speedy recovery little man! You are STRONG! Love from Texas


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