We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed
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Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign
Jeremiah Dirt goes on the Road. Music & Ministry!

Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
- Sizes YXS - XXXXL
- View Sizing Guide
About this campaign
It's Simple: This Fundraiser gets YOU a 'Dirt' Shirt... WHILE financially supporting Jeremiah Dirt's passion to get on the road and Minister to people through his music and testimony.
BIO @ JeremiahDirt.com
J. Dirt has been making music for 20yrs now, delivering us some very insightful Hiphop music, centered around his own walk & experiences with God. Through the triumphs & failures put to song, many people have been ministered to in that time. Though sometimes it's 'Fun & Games', Dirt always desires for there to be a meaning and message in the music and seeks creative & transparent ways to Deliver it.
Jeremiah Dirt and all his music/ministry efforts are completely funded by YOU, his supporters. Buying a Tshirt from this specific Fundraiser goes directly to supporting him going on tour in Sept. 2017 with Extreme Tour - a volunteer Music Ministry Organization that hosts public events as an avenue to play positive and uplifting music for everyone (as well as doing a lot of behind-the-scenes outreach while in the cities they are performing at).
All Proceeds, here, will go to supporting Dirt while on the road (personal Finances/bills) as well as securing product to give away as ministry opportunities.
Share Why You Support "Jeremiah Dirt goes on the Road. Music & Ministry!"

I support and believe in this dudes heart, passion, and Love for God and the peeps at the shows .
What's up Dirt! Hope you reach your goal of 50 soon and safe travels when you go on tour. Dirt is a great brother, very humble and always willing to help out in any way. God Bless
Dirt is the homie! Gotta support the fam!
We are taught to give and love. Dirt has given and loved us all for the past 20 years not just musically but more importantly as a positive MC and friend. Much respect for a guy who is humble and honest and tries to put Christ first always.