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Jonahs Medical Expenses

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Jonahs Medical Expenses Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Jonahs Medical Expenses Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Jonahs Medical Expenses shirt design - zoomed
Jonahs Medical Expenses shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic T-shirt

You can buy a shirt to help with Jonahs medical expenses

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Rachel and Freelon Edwards for Jonahs medical treatment .
150 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Authentic T-shirt, Unisex - White
Hanes Authentic T-shirt
Unisex - White
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About this campaign

Jonah is a 3 year old who at the age of 6 months got diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Jonah is raised by his grandparents and has been since birth. He was born addicted to many different street drugs and his drs think this is an contributing cause to him having this disease. Jonah underwent heart surgery on 10/21 for the first time, to where they found just a few short days later didn’t help. Jonah is still under hospital care 5 hrs from home while they try to figure out what the next best step will be. The drs have since told his grandmother that this is an incurable disease, each thing they do is just to relieve symptoms and hopefully buy him a few years until he has to undergo a surgery again or worse a transplant. As of now him and his grandmother are still 5 hrs from home they drs have said when they are released they will need to check in with there regular heart doctor weekly and make the trip 5 hrs from home every 6 weeks. The percentage they get from this fundraiser will go towards Jonah and his medical treatment.


Reynolds Jenette 0 items + $25

Sending you all so much love and prayers.


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