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KCH3 RDR 2019

Organized by Mammwich
KCH3 RDR 2019 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
KCH3 RDR 2019 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Team 365 Packable Reflective Poncho

KCH3 is looking to help Vetern's in the community in KC.

All funds raised will go directly to Veterans Community Project
22 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Team 365 Packable Reflective Poncho, Unisex - Black
Team 365 Packable Reflective Poncho
Unisex - Black
Organized by Mammwich

About this campaign

The Community -

Kansas City

Tiny Homes

Through contributions and partnerships, we are creating Veterans Village -- a community of transitional tiny-homes and onsite services to provide housing stability and address the underlying cause of the Veteran’s homelessness. This combination of housing stability and onsite services will lead to more successful permanent housing outcomes.

In contrast to traditional homeless services, a tiny-home provides the Veteran with privacy, a sense of security, and the ability to reintegrate at a comfortable pace. Veteran services are facilitated through an onsite community center that provides the Veterans with mentoring, case management, counseling, and linkage to other programs and services.

This is the 6th year of KCH3 using their half-minds to try and do good for the community. This year we have chosen Veteran's Community Project, because so many from our social group have ties to the military.


Doug Richerson 2 items
Rebecca B Stegmaier 1 item
Terry Stajcar 1 item
Rebecca B Stegmaier 1 item

Because it;'s awesome!

Carla F. Johnson 1 item
Once You Yack You Never Go Back 1 item
Chlamydia^3 1 item

I hate being moist, but I do love Moist.

Steven Berkebile 2 items
Hoot Are You 1 item
Shhhhhhhh 1 item


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