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Live for Levi- T-Shirt and Primary Children's Hospital Donation

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Live for Levi- T-Shirt and Primary Children's Hospital Donation Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Live for Levi- T-Shirt and Primary Children's Hospital Donation shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Live for Levi- T-Shirt and Primary Children's Hospital. Thank you for your generous donation to Primary Children's Hospital. Our goal is to honor Levi by the way we live and raise $30,000 by this Friday, July 28th. Levi would have turned 3 this Friday.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Patrice Sampson for Live for Levi Fund.
$35,400 raised
788 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - White
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - White
Organized by

About this campaign

As you wear the shirt, live as Levi did. Live in the moment and seize everyday! The money raised will be donated to Primary Children's Hospital.

Here is a message from Colt and CC: "Heaven is not too far away. You have loved our family back to life and we can never repay you. We have been asked by many "How can we help?" We lost our dear boy this week, but back in 2007 Primary Children's Hospital saved our beautiful daughter Skye. We always said we would pay it forward and now is our chance. Our goal is to raise $30,000 for Primary Children's Hospital by this Friday in honor of what would have been our son's third birthday. Help us to do good and remember to #LiveforLevi We LOVE you all! "

Please see our Facebook page "Live for Levi" https:// for the amazing details of how this boy lived and passed on. Nothing is by chance. Value everyday, live life without fear, and do good. Join our family in the fight to help other children receive the care they need to Live for Levi!


Anonymous 5 items
Amy Evans 1 item + $10

I love the Sampsons! ❤️

Cheryl Gehrke 1 item + $25

My family in Utah, the Van Pelts knew Little Levi and through them I got to know him too. Whitney said she loved him too. No child should have to die.

Lee & Ilene Moffitt 1 item + $50

Most of all to help the Children. We are also donating in Lieu of Flowers for our dear brother and brother in law Bob Moffitt's Funeral. We love his Family very much and also Levi's Family.

Debbie Swenson 1 item + $50

In honor of Bob Moffitt. He was a good man and his family requested this organization in lieu of flowers. We love you LeAnn and Carson. Julie Pehrson, Chris & Carol Johnson, Rick & Tiffanie Johnson, Ken and Debbie Swenson

Casie Stevenson 1 item + $10


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