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Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today?

Organized by Jennifer Mallory
Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? shirt design - zoomed
Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? shirt design - zoomed
Gildan 50/50 T-shirt

Help us Support those Living with Li Fraumeni Syndrome!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to LivingLFS for Supporting Mutants with Li Fraumeni Syndrome.
$6,210 raised
314 items sold of
325 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan 50/50 T-shirt, Unisex - Sports Grey
Gildan 50/50 T-shirt
Unisex - Sports Grey
  • Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Living LFS Have You Hugged a MUTANT Today? Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Jennifer Mallory

About this campaign

Li Fraumeni Syndrome is a hereditary cancer syndrome. Living LFS is a newly formed organization that aims to provide support and information to those with LFS. We want to help mutants get together, share their stories and help each other find the best resources to LIVE with LFS. We are organizing a Meeting in Portland, Oregon in October and funds will go directly towards providing a space for mutants to gather and find community. Our vision is to have meetings in many different locations and enough financial support to make meeting other mutants easier on this already physically and financially challenged population.

Living LFS is a group of mutants who met in a Facebook Support Group online and found a sense of community and understanding none of them had ever experienced before. With more cancers than they could count between them and a whole lot of snark- they finally got to meet in Boston in 2013. Together, they are trying to help fill various needs of support and awareness that is so direly needed in the LFS community. We want to bring mutants together to share their stories, increase the awareness of LFS so that mutants can get better screening and treatment and ultimately fund research that will put more LIVING in LivingLFS. Shot 2014-08-20 at 100059 AMpng


Christina V 1 item
Anonymous 2 items
Kari Nettel 1 item
Bandstra 4 items
Dr. Julie Workman 1 item + $50

In support of Trish & Tre

Ashley 1 item + $10
Jackie Hale 1 item
Linda 2 items + $60

I have LFS and want to help others that are diagnosed with it.

MichelleC 1 item
Nancy P Ramirez 1 item


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