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Kingdonstrong Fundraiser

Organized by Kingdonstrong
Front large extended
Kingdonstrong Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Kingdonstrong Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Kingdonstrong Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Kingdonstrong Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Buy a shirt and support Kingdon. Also keep him in your prayers

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Heroshi Milan for Medical Expenses.
$100 raised
18 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Royal
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Royal
Organized by Kingdonstrong

About this campaign

This fundraiser is to help Kingdon and his parents Hilary and Heroshi with expenses.

Kingdon was born on December 4, 2017. He was a full term baby, & went home from the hospital after birth without any complications. Soon after we were home Kingdon started to show some concerning things going on with him. He had some rapid breathing, excessive fluid in his throat & mouth, feeding problems to where he wouldn't eat, & he was also failing to thrive (gain weight / grow like a normal baby would. His pediatrician said nothing was wrong. But, deep down we knew something was. His grandmother & grandfather then by the grace of god knew a pediatrician & got him into an after hours clinic to be seen. After being seen, his oxygen levels were abnormal, & the pediatrician decided to admit him into St. Vincents pediatrics ward. Upon arrival and being hooked up to machines, Kingdons oxygen levels deteriorated fastly, & he was rushed to the pediatrics ICU. They then could not get him stable enough so he was hooked up to a ventilator. After hours of waiting for answers a cardiologist came in with what she thought could possibly be wrong with him (which was a heart defect) but, since she couldn't clearly see on the ECHO, she wanted a second opinion from Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. Upon arrival at Rileys he was immediately tested & the cardiologist from home, her diagnoses was correct. Kingdon has a critical heart defect, & the only option is open heart surgery. As of right now thats all we know. But, depending on how surgery goes next week, & how long Kingdons road to recovery is post operation, his father & I could possibly be here for a month or longer. & as most know hospital stays are never easy. I would never ask for help from anybody, but times are tough right now. Between bills at home, & figuring out how to survive here we could use all of the help we can get . The day Kingdon was admitted, & this long journey began was my first day back to work after 7 weeks of maternity leave. & his father is now off of work with non paid FMLA. If you are not able to donate, a prayer would be appreciated just as much. But, if you are able to donate we would be appreciative, & very thankful. Please pray for Kingdon and his parents Heroshi and Hilary.


Eugene Reshaun Radcliff 2 items
Cecil 1 item

Heroshi Milan is a friend of mine who is going through a rough time and I would like to support him in any way I can.

Carol Blair 1 item + $10
Staci Rhoderick 1 item

Doshi is a friend of mine and I want to help.

Adam Oakley 3 items


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