Help Launch Norm's Piggy Pen Friends
Organized by Norm's Piggy Pen
Bella + Canvas Jersey T-shirt
- Sizes YS - XXXXL
- View Sizing Guide
About this campaign
Norm's Piggy Pen's adventure of helping surrendered, rescued and abandoned small animals find homes has hit its two-year mark, and the results have surprised even us. We've been able to help 440 animals and counting in that short time, and we believe it's time to mobilize our community to help even more by launching Norm's Piggy Pen Friends, a nonprofit to provide support, both financial and logistical, for the adoption animals that come through the doors at Norm's. The first step is to raise the funds for the application fee, and the proceeds from these t-shirt sales will help us complete that first step!
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“I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.” -Gandhi
I love that so many people can be involved in helping these small creatures.
I’m supporting this campaign because I love all animals, and love what norms piggy pen does for all the little lives!
We love Norms! All our guinea pig friends are from Norms and we love supporting their efforts to rescue small animals.
I love rescue animals I have a rescue dog and a rescue guinea pig who’s rescue sister passsed away.
Since Norm's is one of the only rescues for small animals, I think it is extremely important to support them in this new endeavor.
I have no words The only thing I can say is I just love Norm’s piggy pen!!!!
So excited for you !!!