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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

Need shirts for your next group event? Create your own custom t shirts.

Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign


Organized by Alexander Lanshe
I AM PRO-SELF-PROTECTION! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
I AM PRO-SELF-PROTECTION! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
I AM PRO-SELF-PROTECTION! shirt design - zoomed
I AM PRO-SELF-PROTECTION! shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Cool Dri Performance Shirt

If you believe in being pro-self-protection, grab your shirt now!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Alexander Lanshe, the organizer for Pro-Self-Protection Advocacy & Education.
$460 raised
29 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Cool Dri Performance Shirt, Unisex - Purple
Hanes Cool Dri Performance Shirt
Unisex - Purple
Organized by Alexander Lanshe

About this campaign

All the proceeds go to Alexander Lanshe LLC, the creator of the T-shirt. This money helps ALLLC teach more people how to protect themselves from violence and stay safe in these tumultuous times. It furthers Alex's stated goal of neutralizing unjust violence through the promotion of warrior values and training.

"In everything that I do, I believe in inspiring the individual to be the best warrior they can be.

I believe that in doing this, we can decrease the amount of unjust violence, suffering and chaos in the world." - Alex Lanshe, author and founder of

By wearing this shirt, you let people know what you really stand for! YOU ARE PRO-SELF-PROTECTION!

Pro-Self-Protection means you believe that all human beings, men and women, have the fundamental God-given right to protect themselves from unjust violence with firearms or any other viable tool that can protect a person from being violently attacked.

This shirt shows that you will not fall into the anti-gunner's trap of rhetoric and language! You know what the real issue is - it isn't the guns, it's being pro-self-protection or anti-self-protection! Help me take back the language and debate from radical anti-self-protectionists and restore our rights to self-protection!

Grab your shirt today so you can show everyone what you stand for and what truly matters!

Share this fundraiser with all your fellow pro-self-protection friends and family because we need as many people as we can to reclaim the language and keep our right to self-protection.


Melanie Hacker 1 item + $10
Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 1 item
Vicki Green 1 item

I belong to TWAW and I am pro self protection. Thank You, Alex.

Marian E Stranahan-Blazina 1 item
Jodi Newton 1 item
Deborah Johnson 1 item

I believe in your message and what you stand for...mostly Jesus!

Kim Dahlgren 1 item
Anonymous 1 item
Anonymous 1 item

I believe we should protect ourselves, and Alex is an awesome speaker.


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