We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed
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Be the Light in the Dark
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
- Sizes S - XXXXL
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About this campaign
Some left Vietnam but Vietnam didn’t leave them. Nearly 3 million service members served in Vietnam and most returned home. But since then, thousands of Vietnam veterans have battled PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – and it has impacted their lives and the lives of their families in many ways. Returning without a proper homecoming compounded the issues veterans faced upon their return. Join us as we promote PTSD Awareness on June 27, 2024 – National PTSD Awareness Day – by bringing light to the continuing toll of the war. The Vietnam War may be over, but the battle continues for many Vietnam veterans and their families to this day.
My Dad served 37 years in USMC. He was affected by agent orange and died 7/15/2011.
I have three Friends that are Purple Heart Viet Nam Veterans, one lost his life to cancer caused from agent orange, but still lives large in my heart. My orders were changed from Viet Nam to Okinawa. Thank you and welcome home
US Army Vietnam Veteran
God bless our Vietnam Veterans. They are the greatest of their generation. They will never be forgotten.
I’m a Vietnam veteran diagnosed with PTSD
We all have memories of painful times. For those with PTSD, the memory carries a repeat of the pain of the original experience, & because memories repeat, so does the pain with no loss of intensity. Knowing this, you have to support these efforts.
My father, LcPL Bill Klobas, suffers from PTS(D). He is featured in the Echoes of the Vietnam War Podcast--Rocketman: Parts I and II. This is a small way I can continue to honor him and his 'brothers'.
Family members who were in the service. Abbie was killed over the July 3 1969, his body was recovered and brought home ....and bless the ones who did not, and thank you for the ones who did
I remember…those who have gone away in the service of their country…and returned home with demons and images visible to their mind’s eye.