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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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Santa Barbara Track Club - Olympic Trials 2016

Organized by Tom FitzSimons
Santa Barbara Track Club - Olympic Trials 2016 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Santa Barbara Track Club - Olympic Trials 2016 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Santa Barbara Track Club - Olympic Trials 2016 shirt design - zoomed
Anvil Jersey T-shirt

Purchase t-shirts to celebrate the Santa Barbara Track Club's first appearance in the Olympic Trials.

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Santa Barbara Track Club for Proceeds will help fund the Santa Barbara Track Club's trip to the 2016 Olympic Trials. .
$5,100 raised
167 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Anvil Jersey T-shirt, Unisex - Heather Grey
Anvil Jersey T-shirt
Unisex - Heather Grey
Organized by Tom FitzSimons

About this campaign
Consider shipping t-shirts to your own address to ensure arrival by July 1st. All shirts shipped to Westmont College will be distributed on June 30th at 6:30pm - after the Santa Barbara Youth Club practice. Future pickup details will be emailed out. Thank you for your support!


Glenna Matthews 1 item + $10

MaryEllen Brown is my niece.

Mary Ellen & Steve Brown 2 items

Go get'em SBTC. Represent!

Ellyn 1 item
Julie Pasbrig 1 item
Emily Pirkel 1 item

Go get'em Lindsay!!Good luck Team!

Connolly Family

Exciting to share in the hopes and dreams of these athletes who are part of the extended Westmont Track and Field family. We hope to see them all at the Olympics c

Brett Halvaks & Emilie Wilson 2 items
Bill Hoffman 1 item

Got to meet the coach and some of the athletes. Awesome group!!

Ron and Jackie Skipper 2 items

The athletes and coaches of the SBTC represent the best of our young people. They are people of character, willing to work hard to achieve their goals and be the best they can be. They are amazing. Go SBTC!!!!

Bill Ehrhart 1 item


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