At Dallas Professional Women, we believe in supporting local women-owned and women-led businesses! We're a business organization committed to empowering, celebrating and supporting women!
Join us every 3rd Thursday at local coffee shops that are women-led & women-owned to connect with other like-minded professionals. Every shirt sold sponsors 1 new member that needs our marketing help to reach new heights! Considerations for Sponsorship are given to First - Generation Entrepreneurs, Survivors of Domestic Violence, and women exiting the workforce to start their own business or non-profit.
Grow with Dallas Professional Women
A network of Women Professionals, Executives, Young Professionals & Youth Leaders that are committed to growing, celebrating and improving all communities!
We're passionate about promoting, celebrating & empowering all women. If you're looking to join a group of like-minded women that have many roles and wear many hats we've been waiting for you! Our members are all multi-faceted professionals that balance work, life, community and relationships.
How did it start?
Dallas Professional Women (DPW) was a spark spearheaded by International Talk Show Host & Media Personality Amber Jamshed of Houston (HPW) with the help of Local Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Philanthropist Irum Jones. Both Jamshed and Jones were committed to connecting women professionals from all industries to
encourage fellowship, friendships & business referrals by promoting cross-collaboration between all members.
Through positive interactions, the community quickly gained global support with all members having access to business referrals, advocacy, awareness and education to all! DPW provides a platform and culture of collaboration instead of competition which is the reason why so many #NextGen, Business Owners, Women-Owned, Women-Led organizations and Women professionals continue to join our organization.
Our Code of Ethics
"Help one another instead of competing with each other!"
It's a simple concept, but someone has to enforce it! All members understand that when a DPW Sister calls, you answer and point her in the right direction.
Our members have peace of mind that they are
always connected with verifiable, women professionals from all industries
that are ready to help, empower put your best interest at hand.
How do we achieve a Sisterhood between all industries & generations?
Our focus is Inclusion, and we're obsessive about it! Where so serious about creating, nurturing and cultivating an inclusive environment that we talk about it on a daily basis!
At our events, our goal is to make every single person feel welcomed and valued. We celebrate the everyday woman, the ones that juggle all their priorities while surprising us all of the amazing achievements and paths she's trail-blazed.
We're intentional about ensuring our topics, content, events, and interactions are cross-generational and delivered in American-English in honor of the freedom this great nation gives us to connect and collaborate with women of all backgrounds & belief systems.