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Alex's Million Mile

A million miles that will change childhood cancer

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Team A Stand For Hope

Organized by Connie Kippycash
Team A Stand For Hope Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Team A Stand For Hope Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Team A Stand For Hope shirt design - zoomed
Team A Stand For Hope Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Team A Stand For Hope Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Team A Stand For Hope shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Help Us Fight Childhood Cancer

Net proceeds will go directly to Alex's Million Mile participant Connie Kippycash's (115890) fundraising efforts.
$320 raised
40 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Royal
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Royal
  • Team A Stand For Hope Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Team A Stand For Hope Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Connie Kippycash

About this campaign

We take every step ofwalking/running/biking in September towards fighting childhood cancer.

http://http// 1897847_10151985189306561_843�850550488931�94_njpgHope bravely battled Stage IV Neuroblastoma since 2001. On June 15, 2014 at 1:23am, Hope left her earthly body to soar with the angels. Fulfilling her final wish, she donated her body to science where the doctors were able to remove her tumor and will be ablecontinue to research it in perpetuity, hopefully advancing treatments and helping other children.
Hope will continueto inspire her friends and family, and really, anyone that ever met her. A voracious reader, fashionista, apassion for the arts and a great sense of humor, with a constant smile, Hopedemonstratedstrength and faith that lifted us up. Hope is among the ALSF Childhood Hero's andworkedas an ALSF Ambassador traveling cross-country to attend events and share her story. Even appearing on TV and participating in Alex's Lemonade Stand days only days before her passing, giving strength & hopeto others struggling through illness. We've decided to change our team name from "Team Hope for Hope" to "A Stand For Hope" and will continue her work to help raise awareness and funding to Alex's Lemonade Stand for treatment and cures for childhood cancers. Let's take each step in September towards finding cures for all childhood cancers. Join our team to walk, run or bike, spread the word, and help end childhood cancer. It's so simple - log your miles during the month of September and share this page with your friends, family andcolleagues. Thanks a million!


Cheryl Hersh 1 item
Bea 1 item
Lemonade Shirley 1 item

For the kids... Especially Caitlin, Danny and Hope.

Ellen V. 1 item
Franko 1 item

Friend of Connie !!!

Taylor Bertelsen 1 item
Sharona 1 item

In love and memory of an extraordinary young lady, and honoring her extraordinary family, who are an inspiration to so many.

Ramya 1 item
Pooja 1 item
Donna 1 item

We also lost our nephew to childhood cancer. We must find a cure.


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