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Team Molly Fundraiser

Organized by Shawn Nelson
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Team Molly Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Team Molly Fundraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Team Molly Fundraiser shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Beefy-T

Join TEAM MOLLY! Show your support as we build awareness for Molly Courtney's battle with cancer!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Robbie Courtney for Molly Courtney.
$8,390 raised
167 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Beefy-T, Unisex - Charcoal Heather
Hanes Beefy-T
Unisex - Charcoal Heather
Organized by Shawn Nelson

About this campaign

Team Molly needs your help raising funds to battle cancer! Molly was recently diagnosed with cancer and will soon undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Please consider buying a “Team Molly” t-shirt to help support Molly and her family in a tangible way. All proceeds will go directly to the family to help cover the cost of Molly’s medical expenses. Thank you!

IMG_0278JPGOn Wednesday, December 26, 2014, Molly Courtney was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. She will undergo five months of chemotherapy and then several rounds of radiation treatment. Those of you who have had the pleasure of knowing Molly will agree that she is one of the most caring, giving, and loving women you will ever encounter. She is a loving mother to her two children Lauren and Luke, and the cherished wife to her husband Robbie. She has a sweet, kind, and gentle spirit and above all she loves God, her family, and people. While her family and friends are trusting God for her healing and look forward to celebrating her recovery, she has a long and financially straining journey ahead of her and will need everyone’s help, encouragement and support.

While the past few months have been extremely difficult for the family, their assurance and peace most assuredly rests in God. Listen to Robbie’s perspective on how God is using this experience in their life.

My bride is fighting for her life. It is very surreal, but here’s what I know.  I shouldn’t be surprised by trials and suffering.  Jesus was very clear in John 16:33: “In the world you will have tribulation.” But he also said one of the most comforting words as a promise to those who follow him: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.” If someone asked me to describe what John 16:33 means, I would say, “Don’t worry, God’s got this!” What I’ve discovered as I’ve observed other people who are dealing with tough stuff is that we spend far too much time engulfed in needless worry. We worry about this, we worry about that.  We worry, worry, and worry some more. And the tragic thing is that as a result of worry, many suffer unnecessary illnesses and some severe depression.

When we worry we cannot enjoy life. When we worry we can’t enjoy others. Life is too short to be consumed with worry. No matter what problems we face in this life, we have a God that is bigger than all of our problems. We must stop telling God about our big problems and tell our problems about our big God. Don’t worry, God’s got this! Trials and tribulations are certain to come our way.  Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Every now and then our lives are tested by fire and we will go through the fire, but the same God that hung the sun and the moon, the same God that put the wetness in the rain, the same God that put the twinkle in the stars, can take the heat and the hurt out of the fire.

Psalm 46:1 teaches, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Since He is our refuge I can find protection in Him.  Since He is our strength, I can turn my problems over to Him.  Since He is a present help, I don’t have to wait for Him to come to me, because he is already here. No matter how high the mountain or how low the valley, remember: God’s got this! 1 John 5:4-5 states: “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” Who is it that overcomes the world?  Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” Guess what?  God really does care. God’s got this! Because you and I, who are followers of Jesus are overcomers!
God Bless You.

IMG_0263JPGDid you hear what Robbie said? Where does this confidence and peace in God’s sovereignty come from? It comes from Jesus and knowing him as Savior and Lord. I know Molly and Robbie hope that all would know the extravagant love of God and only the hope and peace that he can bring in the midst of their greatest suffering and pain.

The Apostle Paul said In 2 Corinthians 4:17: “For this light, momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” Molly and her family are experiencing this firsthand. And their encouragement to everyone would be, do not look to what is seen, but what is unseen. Your suffering is working for you an eternal weight of glory in heaven. Do not lose heart but take this truth and preach it to yourself daily until your heart sings with confidence that you are loved and cared for by God!

Molly and Robbie have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support they have received from their family and friends. However, I have initiated this fundraiser to show our love and support to them in a tangible way. In addition, we want to walk with them through their suffering and see the testimony of God’s love and faithfulness on their journey. Please consider buying a “Team Molly” t-shirt to help support Molly and her family during this difficult time. All proceeds will go directly to the family to help defray the cost of Molly’s medical expenses as she continues to battle against cancer. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Molly, Robbie, Lauren, and Luke. Our prayers are with you. We love you guys so much!!!

- Shawn Nelson, Family Friend



Melody & Leo Ditore 2 items

Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family! Praying for healing!

Sondra & Savannah 2 items + $50

We love you Molly and we will be praying for you!

Carolyn 1 item + $50
Melissa Neal 1 item
Amy Soto 4 items
Anonymous 4 items

We are buying the shirts in support of this precious family.

Lisa 1 item

Love you, girl! So blessed to be your friend - you got this!!!

Anonymous 1 item

You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous 4 items
Sylvia Carley 1 item

I love you Molly and know The Lord will grant you victory over this enemy.


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