The Wall that Heals 2024 Tour
Organized by Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
Bayside USA Union-Made 100% Cotton T-shirt
- Sizes S - XXXXL
- View Sizing Guide
About this campaign
The proceeds for our 2024 The Wall That Heals tour shirts go towards helping the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and its mission to honor all our Vietnam veterans.
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I had 2 brother-in-laws in Vietnam, my husband also in Army during Vietnam conflict. Highschool friend lost life in Vietnam. My family all felt the effects of those years.
As a Vietnam Veterans Memorial volunteer in Washington DC & as The Wall That Heals visited my community (Yates County NY) this summer I want to support efforts to bring The Wall to veterans and families that are unable to visit the Memorial in DC.
The Wall That Heals was such an incredible opportunity for our town to learn more about our nation's history and honor our heroes!
I have family on that wall
As a nation and a veteran we owe our freedom to those that came before us. I have had the honor to escort "The Wall" twice when it came to MN as well as the original in DC. They touch you in ways you do not expect, but should be experienced by all