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Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts

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Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts shirt design - zoomed
Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts shirt design - zoomed
Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Threadfast Ultimate T-shirt

Buy a shirt to help First Presbyterian Church sponsor refugee families resettling here in Durham.

All funds raised will go directly to First Presbyterian Church of Durham
$610 raised
50 items sold of
100 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Threadfast Ultimate T-shirt, Unisex - Navy
Threadfast Ultimate T-shirt
Unisex - Navy
  • Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
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About this campaign

Funds from sales will go to help First Presbyterian Church sponsor refugee families resettling here in Durham.

FPC is working with the local office of Church World Service (CWS), which is one of three agencies in the state approved to coordinate and support the placement of refugees in communities in North Carolina Sponsoring families means the church finds an apartment or house to rent, furnishes it, and assists the family in getting settled. We also help the family get their kids enrolled in school and assist the adults members with finding jobs, getting enrolled in ESL classes if they need it, and possibly providing transportation. In general, we will have responsibility for supporting the family in whatever way we can to make their transition to living in Durham as smooth as possible.

Through some federal funding they receive, CWS provides each family with a small stipend to assist them in getting started and until they find jobs, but CWS recommends that the sponsoring congregation have at least $5,000 on hand to provide more support, and the actual amount needed is often quite a bit more.


Laura Mcnab 1 item

Thank you for giving us this opportunity!

Caroline D Rourk 1 item

I want to support our Youth, this cause and my Church.

Jane F Brown 1 item

To provide those fleeing for their lives a warm welcome

Mary-Jo Keenan 1 item
kerry holbrook 1 item
John Weicher 1 item


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