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Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015

Organized by Wreaths Across America National
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 shirt design - zoomed
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 shirt design - zoomed
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 shirt design - zoomed
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 shirt design - zoomed
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 shirt design - zoomed
Anvil Jersey T-shirt

Every Shirt ALSO Places A Wreath at Arlington National Cemetery in 2015

All funds raised will go directly to WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA
$800 raised
88 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Anvil Jersey T-shirt, Unisex - Black
Anvil Jersey T-shirt
Unisex - Black
  • Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
  • Wreaths Across America - First To Remember In 2015 Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - small
Organized by Wreaths Across America National

About this campaign

First To Remember, Last To Forget. Wear You Pride & Patriotism In The New Year

How do you thank a veteran or a family who lost their loved one in service to our Country?

You show them that their sacrifices were not made in vain, and that we will not forget the great price for which the freedoms we enjoy each and every day were purchased.

Each shirt ordered will place a wreath at Arlington in 2015, and help us pursue our mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach.

You Voted We Listened
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We shared a couple of designs to our community on Facebook and received over 400 votes and comments, but thanks to our friends at Booster, they helped us figure out a way to offer both designs, with a choice of printed on the front or back panel.

Wreaths Across America is a national 501(c)3 with over 1000 participating locations nationwide. We receive no government funds in support of this tribute. Each wreath is a gift to honor the families, by those who know that showing our appreciation is the most we can do for the families they left behind.

Wear your shirt with pride and help educate others about the mission to Remember, Honor, and Teach about the character of our veterans. Together we can show their families that we will never forget their service and sacrifices.

Please consider giving beyond the cost of your t-shirt. For every $15 sponsored - a wreath will be placed at a veteran's headstone as an living, evergreen symbol of all that was sacrificed to protect our freedoms.

To learn more and see locations near you, visit and show your support to veterans in your local community


Sharon Pino 1 item

My father was a veteran of WWII.

Thomas Fahy 2 items
The Kolbs 3 items

Our beloved parents, both who served in their different ways.

Anonymous 1 item
Robert Hartman 1 item
Markim Swartz 3 items

Because it's so important to remember those whoe did what was needed for this great country and sacrificed everything to do it! Because my dad and brother were treated awful when they came home from Vietnam. They deserve to be remembered! Always!

Sally Meade 2 items + $10

My husband is buried at Indian Gap Cemetery in Pa. I am so happy to take part in Wreaths Across America because I know it would make him so happy.

Marie Zidzik 2 items + $50
Fran Paluh Troup 1 item + $15

As a daughter of a West Point Grad (Class of '52) I've been fortunate to meet so many who have served. Supporting WAA is my way of saying, "Thank you!" with love.

Charley Moses 1 item

WAA is such a wonderful organization and I want to lend my support as much as possible.


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