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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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Interested In Fundraising With Custom T-Shirts? Start Your Own Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign

WKCR's Bachfest T-Shirt

Organized by WKCR FM
Front large extended
WKCR's Bachfest T-Shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
WKCR's Bachfest T-Shirt Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
WKCR's Bachfest T-Shirt shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Authentic T-shirt

Rep your love of Bachfest and support WKCR today!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will be paid directly to Columbia University for WKCR station operations.
$390 raised
34 items sold of
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Authentic T-shirt, Unisex - White
Hanes Authentic T-shirt
Unisex - White
Organized by WKCR FM


Gabriella Regalado 1 item

I look forward to Bachfest each year. It makes the holidays more special.

Anonymous 1 item
John Keiserman 4 items
Avram Rips 1 item
Robert D Goodman 1 item
Riain Ross-Hager 1 item

WKCR is one of a kind— Long live WKCR!

Dylan Skolnick 1 item

WKCR is great... and Bach Fest is the best!


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