"This picture is from our 1st annual Chili Cook Off (February 2012) sponsored by The Nickolas Demidovich Memorial Fund. All proceeds go towards assisting our local area boy scouts to attend summer camp and other activities that are otherwise unaffordable. Last year the Fund sent 8 scouts to summer camp! In this picture, from left to right, are Nick and Peter Demidovich (family that created the nonprofit organization to honor their dad), Steve Scialdone (volunteer), Tracy Levy (contestant) and Judge "FIngers" from WBAB, our local rock radio station. All contestants that entered chili received a Custom Ink tee shirt as part of their entry gift, as well as any volunteer that helped with the event. This year we just received our 2013 Cook Off tee shirts, they are bright green - lime color, and are gorgeous! Custom Ink delivered GREAT tee shirts last year and again this year, and we are looking forward to our 2nd annual cook off on February 9th! Hoping to get a group shot of all the contestants in their tee shirts this year!"
- https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Nickolas-Demidovich-Memorial-Fund/110534532372024?fref=ts
- Lorin Rosen (Jan 14, 2013)
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