"The story of Jonesfilm is the story of a group of college students who know nothing about making movies - all of them busy, and none of them film majors - setting out to learn cinema storytelling. We don't have expensive equipment. We don't have massive financial backing. We're just a group of insane college kids at LeTourneau University stubbornly determined to make awesome videos. The name comes from our first project, a 45-minute 100% student-produced film called "Hootenanny: Impossible" which is an original story that takes place in every movie world, all at once, and revolves around the ever-changing action hero: Jones!
Since then, we've gone on to recreate movie trailers shot-for-shot, experiment with various storytelling forms by creating an original show in the style of "The Office", each time learning something new and adding to our skills. We don't get paid. We do this because it is freaking awesome. And we do it wearing these epic, super comfortable t-shirts. Thanks CustomInk for making us look awesome, and for helping us build our brand as crazy students who make awesome stuff!"
- https://vimeo.com/channels/1236305/
- The Jonesfilm Crew (Jun 02, 2017)
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