Custom T-Shirts for avon 39
RUSON Community Outreach Wears Pink T... by Rutgers School of Nursing - Community...
"For the seventh year, the Rutgers School of Nursing Community Outreach Committee attended the AVON 39 Walk to End Breast Cancer on October 15 and we cheered on the amazing women and men who are wal..."
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The Pink Princesses and the Avon39-Wa... by Pink Princesses!
"Our team, the Pink Princesses, participated in the 2 day, 39.3 mile Avon39-The Walk to End Breast Cancer in Washington, D.C. on May 6-7, 2017. As a team, we walked in the rain, wind, mud and sunsh..."
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Team PSTx Raised Over $12,000 For The... by Team PSTx
"Avon Foundation for Women has awarded 3 grants totaling $500,000 to Paradigm Shift Therapeutics (a woman-owned small business!!) for our metastatic breast cancer research. We decided to give back ..."
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Avon 39 Wine Racks @ the Finish Line by The Wine Racks
"My friends from growing up and my niece walked with me 39 miles in The Avon 39 walk to end breast cancer in San Francisco. They walked with me since I had done the walk 5 times before then was diag..."
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DC Avon 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer by
"The Pink Princesses rocking our hot pink shirts after walking 39.3 miles in 2 days and crossing the finish line at Avon 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer in Washington, DC. Absolutely loved worki..."
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