Custom T-Shirts for bike
Orchard Invitational Triathlon by Orchard on the Lake
"The photograph was taken after our community (Orchard on the Lake) just finished the second Orchard Invitational Triathlon. Each participant received a hoodie, which were awesome. The photo was tak..."
View full detailsBike MS 2018 by Bike MS 2018
"Bike MS City to Shore ride 2018. We rode 75 miles in 5 hours!"
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Stem Cell Cyclists- Riding the Pan Ma... by Cycling to Cure cancer
Victory Lap by Victory Lap
"Road the TDFIve Boro Tour New York and made Custom Ink T-shirt’s for our team. We were honoring our sister/sister in law who is a breast cancer survivor. Our team was Victory Lap to honor her figh..."
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The Motley Crew Rides Again by The Motley Crew
"This picture was taken of our cycling group --aptly named the Motley Crew -- during a week long bike tour of Vermont in August. We rode 50 miles to a small island (Isle La Motte) in Lake Champlain..."
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MS 150 cheer squad! by Team Ronayne
"MS 150 bike event in Minnesota. We are out there cheering on all the bikers and our family team that are riding in memory of my father who passed away from MS. "
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Team Georgetown by Debbie
"I work for the Georgetown BID and my co-workers and I, biked the inaugural DC Bike Ride on May 22nd creating our own Team Georgetown!"
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OMBA checking in! by FatTire Renee
"75 Ocala Mountain Bike Association's volunteers sported these awesome orange shirts while checking 750 riders on Friday and Saturday (riders received white or grey CustomInk shirts). We beat our c..."
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Kelli's Sarcoma Spinners at Cycle for... by Sarcoma Spinners
"The Sarcoma Spinners have participated in Cycle for Survival for 7 years. My best friend Kelli was diagnosed with a rare cancer in 2006, and had heard about this awesome fundraising event from one ..."
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2nd Annual Kennan Garvey Memorial Ride by PhoenixBikes
"On Saturday, August 1st, 2015, nearly 40 riders took part in a ride along the Washington & Old Dominion Trail to raise funds for a new building for Phoenix Bikes, a nonprofit community bike shop an..."
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Christmas Bike Ride by SusanS
"Half of our group out for a bike ride at Hilton Head at Christmas time. The rest of the group was at home (wearing their T-shirts, of course.) Customink was fast, professional, and very helpf..."
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People Who Bike by David R.
"This photo is from our 1st annual work bike ride, in which we setup an organized ride with multiple stops to show off our fancy matching new T-shirts to the world. Because our advertising agency's ..."
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