Custom T-Shirts for bonfire
Happy Campers Est. 2002 by #1 Happy Camper
"Happy Campers have been together since 2002 and have camped together all over the Pacific Northwest. This year we traveled to the Oregon Coast and created the Happy Camper Sweatshirt. It was so f..."
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Bonfire - Homecoming/Powder Puff 2014 by SCDS Class of 2016
"This photograph was taken during the bonfire after the 2014 Powder Puff football games during homecoming week at the Savannah Country Day School, featuring the class of 2016. The experience with cu..."
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Low Brass by Chris
"This photo was taken at our Low Brass bonfire, which was just to hang out and have fun with our section. We had a great experience working with customink. Our shirts turned out amazing and we wea..."
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Bonfire 2009! by Sophie
"This is me (left) and my two friends rocking the Park City High School hoodies that I ordered at our Homecoming bonfire! It was Thursday night Sept. 24th. Most of the school was dancing the night a..."
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Camp My Life by Peggy
"We ordered shirts for our Kids Camp. The title of camp was "My Life", which is what's on the front of the shirts. The back has a verse on it. Kids learned how to handle things in "My Life" like ang..."
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PuziFest 7/7/07 by miztyka
"PuziFest was a motorcylce rodeo, BBQ, and bonfire party that came together on short notice, but through CustomInk we were able to get t-shirts and tank tops very quickly. The clothing was very popu..."
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