Custom T-Shirts for jdrf diabetes walk
JDRF Diabetes Walk 2014 Team Steps Fo... by Steffanie Rodrigues
"This picture was taken on October 19th at Six Flags New England. We took at group photo at the start of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk. We had an amazing day and could not ha..."
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JDRF Diabetes Walk by Team Jakers
"My son Jacob is a Type 1 Diabetic, and every year, we raise money and walk to support JDRF and their research. This year my son raised $627. He is my little hero and such an inspiration. I am tr..."
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Sugar High Tude by dbarta
"This photo was taken at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk 2010. I am a diabetic and every year I make a team with my family and friends to help me raise money to cure diabetes."
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Stacy Squad by Stacy Family & Friends
"We were at Avon-by-the-Sea for a JDRF Diabetes Walk. Nicole Stacy, part of the squad, has diabetes. We walked 5 miles for a great cause and looked great doing it!"
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Bethany's Bees by JDRF_Diabetes_Walk
"The Bethany's Bees team has walked at the JDRF walk to raise money to find a cure for diabetes for 8 years. Customink did a great job with the shirts for this year's walk. We're taking a family v..."
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