Custom T-Shirts for lego league
Team with flying colors by Team Robotics masters
"We are a group of - four kids, representing a rookie team at first LEGO league Jr. - Robotics Masters, an experienced parent coach, and parents. The photo represents the team’s accomplishment at t..."
View full detailsState Competition Trophy by Lego Natives Robotics Team
"This photo was taken just after our FIRST Lego League South Idaho State Championship tournament, Feb 15, 2020. The team earned a trophy for Gracious Professionalism. We ordered our team shirts from..."
View full detailsLego League Jr Tshirts! by Lego League Jr Tshirts!
"This is my 3rd year ordering our annual Lego League tshirts from CustomInk, and every time they are very professional to deal with! This year our order also came a week early!! Yay! I will continue..."
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"WE had shirts made for our team competition and the front design used icons to represent that we are a LEGO RObotics team! It also shows off our school colors, Blue and Gold and on the back it has..."
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HydroDabbers and Lego Robotics by HydroDabbers
"What is better than 10-10 year old boys competing in a Lego Robitics tournament? Nothing. And what can be more little boy than a team called “HydroDabbers”? Custom Ink quickly helped us perfect ou..."
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FLL Tournamant by Fellowship of the Brick
"Kids were participating in the First Lego League qualifier tournament."
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Majestic Tri-Bots FLL Qualifier by TC FLL
"This is a few members of the Majestic Tri-Bots, one of our two First Lego League teams who wore custom ink shirts at their qualifier tournament and then at MA State Championships. One of the Majest..."
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STEM clowns by Mel
"I coach a team of Kids in grades 4-8 who compete in a robotics tournament every year - FIRST Lego League. They design a new shirt every year, too. We always use Custom Ink. They get the job done ri..."
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Watching The Competition! by Masterpieces
"We are a first year First Lego League team and this shot (taken by one of the team parents) shows the kids watching the other teams competing in the robot competition portion of our first Qualifier..."
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Pufferbots and Robosharks in their Na... by Marburn Academy
"This is a picture of both of Marburn Academy's Middle Division FIRST Lego League teams (the Pufferbots in blue and the Robosharks in gray) at their Regional Qualifier Competition in Columbus, Ohio...."
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Nerdz - East Hardy Robotics FTC 13515 by Nerdz - East Hardy Robotics
"Our team after our the FIRST WV State Championships - our first competition with our robot. "
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Super LEGO User Group (SLUGs) by SLUGs
"Our FLL LEGO robotics team proudly wore our shirts at our regional tournament today. The kids wrote the code to run the robot, presented a research project and showed their teamwork skills at the e..."
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