T-Shirt Design Ideas & Clipart for Your Organization
Travel Africa, Skip Mediocre by TSTMKRS Africa
"This photo was taken in Langma, Ghana on the inaugural TSTMKRS tour. Our company is a travel startup revolutionizing what people think about travel to Africa. Our experience with Customink was wond..."
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Unity through love by Sgv binhi
"This was at a family gathering at church. I ordered a week before and ordered with rush and it came 2 days early. We were all able to show our pride for our organization because the crew necks were..."
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Math Coaches by Karen, Heidi, Kate
"The three of us are math coaches in our school districts. We were selected to present at the ATOMIC (associated teachers of mathematics in Connecticut) math conference for teachers. We thought it ..."
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Laying the Foundation for Honduras by Carnegie Mellon University Brigaders
"This photo was taken in the rural community of Palo Verde, Honduras where our team of 31 brigaders worked among three different families' houses where we built latrines, eco-stoves, and pilas along..."
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SVP KIDS Volunteer at the Sacramento Zoo by Social Venture Partners of Sacramento...
"SVP KIDS is an engaged service learning opportunity for KIDS ages 8-13. Here we are volunteering at the Sacramento Zoo - posing with our 'animal enrichment.' We built a box of goodies for the Zoo's..."
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Dan the Man Team by Kristen Paolino
"I surprised my whole family with Customink long sleeve tee shirts to wear to the annual JDRF diabetes walk in Norwalk, CT. We were walking on behalf of my younger brother who was diagnosed 7 years ..."
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Sustainable San Ramon Volenteers by Glenns got all his SSR sisters with he
"The event was a Dine and Wine annual gala party put on by the Chamber of Commerce in San Ramon Cal. At the Crow Canyon Country Club in Danville Ca. We only had a week to get an order for shirts..."
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Aprons! by Tibby
"On Oct 12th The Poughkeepsie Farm Project had their one fund raising event for the season--Soup-A-Bowl. The Poughkeepsie Farm Project is a community farm with a commitment to education and food j..."
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A.C.T.'s 16th annual Bard - A - Thon by Bard - A - Thon
"Yesterday, The Association of Creative Thespians had their 16th annual Bard - A - Thon! From 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. members of the club read shakespearian plays, sonnets, and performed stage combat to r..."
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Lawrence CommunityWorks - A Community... by
"Lawrence CommunityWorks' Community Education Circles bring together parents, teachers, and students to develop leadership and build capacity of families, schools, and communities to work together t..."
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Chainsaw carvers at the Salamanca Casino by Extremelogmakeover
"We were the first chainsaw carving event held in Salamanca, New York right at the casino. Thousands of people saw our awesome shirts! We choose Custom ink because they are easy to design, fast effi..."
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Prostate cancer run by
"Our group of Urological nurses supporting prostate cancer awareness by participating in a local 5K run/walk. We had shirts made to represent our group, custom ink made the whole process incredibly ..."
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