Custom T-Shirts for sussex
Miels For Miles by Miels For Miles -Lung Force
"Our third year as Team Miles For Miles participating in the American Lung Association’s 5th Annual Lung Force Walk! Our team was the #1 fundraising team raising more than $6,000!! A force to be re..."
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Adoption Event by Vicki
"We use your shirts to create a team feeling among our rescue volunteers and make us easily identifiable by the public attending our events. "
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2nd Annual Crave The Shave to Fight M... by crave-the-shave
"This is a photograph of the participants of Crave the Shave. The event was held in the month of November 2008 in Sussex, NB Canada. 65 ladies pledged $20 to refrain from shaving their leg hairs in ..."
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"Tough the scruff" to fight MS partic... by M.S.Cyclist.
"This is a photograph of the most of the participants for the "tough the scruff" to fight Multiple Sclerosis fundraiser. Participants pledged not to shave for 30 days to raise money to fight MS. ..."
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