![Picture of Operation Backpack With Kafoury, Armstrong & Co. Custom T-Shirt Design Operation Backpack With Kafoury, Armstrong & Co. T-Shirt Photo](https://customink-prod.imgix.net/photos/system/images/24169/large/Pick_a_Pack_2013_001.jpg?ixlib=rails-4.3.1&w=1448&h=745&fit=crop&crop=faces&fm=jpg&q=85&s=3f493dd31a21631cbeb18b9eacf99ac6)
Custom T-Shirts for washoe county school district
Operation Backpack with Kafoury, Arms... by Operation Backpack with Kafoury, Arms...
"Kafoury's Reno office spent the afternoon of July 31, 2013, helping sort backpacks for the over 3,000 homeless children in the Washoe County School District, in Reno, NV. In addition to providing r..."
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