"My 5 year old daughter Addie (seen here front row in face-painted kitten whiskers) was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 2. This is our 3rd year doing the Central Wisconsin JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes in Stevens Point WI for "Team Addie" on 10/5/13. This year we exceeded our fundraising goal and expect to reach almost $3,000! As you can see from the smiles, we have a very enthusiastic group and received many compliments on our awesome CustomInk t-shirts (the back of the shirts say "Team Addie"). I was elated to find out after the original order was placed and we needed more that I could get 5 more t-shirts at nearly the same cost - what a lifesaver! We will keep coming back every year, you cannot beat CustomInk's exceptional customer service. Thanks so much for another great year!"
- Sara Schmitt (Oct 08, 2013)
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