so are they..
Team POP brings you ‘CANtilever Fever’, an artistic installation with a purpose.
“Coming together is a BEGINNING.
Keeping together is PROGRESS.
Working together is SUCCESS.”
-Henry Ford
Let’s end hunger TOGETHER!
Team POP raised close to $6K and are donating 6000 cans of food.
The structures built as part of CAnstruction are 10'x10'x10' and are made solely of cans of food.
The artistic installations are on public display at the Chicago Merchandise Mart; Aug 14th through Sept 8th.
Entry ticket - just bring a can of food!
Awards night is on Sept 4th and tickets can be bought at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/8th-annual-canstruction-chicago-reception-to-benefit-tickets-12386762139?aff=eac2.
The cans of food will be donated to the Greater Chicago Food Depository after 'deCANstruction' on Sept 8th.
Check us out on the news - http://www.nbcchicago.com/video/#!/entertainment/the-scene/It-s--Can-Struction--Season-in-Chicago/271233701"
- http://powerofpartnerships.wordpress.com/
- Team POP | Power of Partnerships (Aug 16, 2014)
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